Jesus’ Wife???

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The headlines read, “Ancient papyrus fragment refers to Jesus’ ‘wife.'”  Karen King, a Christian scholar at the Harvard Divinity School, presented a papyrus fragment from the fourth century that contains a phrase in which Jesus refers to “My wife.”  The fragment consists of eight lines of black ink, written in Coptic, which include the phrase, “Jesus said to them, ‘My wife…'”  Several observations need to be made concerning this “find.”
First, the authenticity of the fragment has not been proved.  Roger Bagnell, director of the Institute for the Study of Ancient World in New York said that it is likely authentic.  The provenance of the fragment is a mystery.  Its owner has asked to remain anonymous.  Only a small circle of experts have concluded it is not likely a forgery.  The final verdict has not been given.  AnneMarie Luijendijk, who co-authored the paper with King said the fragment’s poor condition suggests it was found in a garbage heap.
Second, the fragment does not prove that Jesus was married.  We already know of this controversy through Gnostic writings in the second century.  This was a topic of discussion a few years ago when The Da Vinci Code was published. The Da Vinci Code was written by Dan Brown.  It is a fictional novel.  In it, Brown claims that the Gnostic Gospels (such as the Gospel of Philip and the Gospel of Mary) are the earliest Gospels and that they have been suppressed by church councils (Da Vinci Code, p. 231).  The Gnostic Gospels are a group of books discovered in 1945 at Nag Hammadi, Egypt.  Fifty-two texts were recovered, dating from approximately AD 350 (first published in English in 1981).  Neither the Gospel of Philip nor the Gospel of Mary existed during the time the New Testament Gospels were written.
Gnosticism refers to a body of related teachings, both ancient and modern, stressing the acquisition of gnosis (Greek for knowledge), or secret, inner, esoteric knowledge.  The knowledge sought is not strictly intellectual, but mystical.  This gnosis is the knowledge of ultimate reality particulary one’s divine essence and origin (New Dictionary of Christian Apologetics, p. 288).  Gnostics deny that Jesus Christ died on the cross to atone for sin.  They teach that Jesus was resurrected, but not physically.  Gnosticism is a form of mysticism.
Brown appealed to the Gospel of Philip as a source of information about Jesus being married.  The Gospel of Philip states, “And the companion of the (…) Mary Magdalene (…loved) her more than (all) the disciples (and used to) kiss her (often) on her (…)”  The relevant portion of this book has many gaps.  The bracketed portions reflect gaps in the manuscripts.  The use of this text in an attempt to prove that Jesus was married is completely false.
The New Testament books: Matthew, Mark, Luke and John do not mention that Jesus was married or that He fathered any children.  The historical account of Jesus’ life is truth–historical truth!  The false view of Gnosticism cannot overthrow the truth.

Lessons Learned From Jury Duty

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This past week I have had the privilege of serving on jury duty.  I have been away from my desk as a result and have not had the opportunity to keep up with my blog.  I am returning today to that task and would like to share some of the observations that come from my experience.
First, I learned what is reasonable is important to a jurist.  Here is an example of what is reasonable.  We know that some people run red lights.  In our area around Columbus, Ohio, several red-light cameras have been installed at specific intersections in order to record people running red lights and, later, a ticket is sent to their address for the violation.  This has been publicized in many different media forms.  We also know that some traffic accidents are the result of people running red lights.  Why, then, do we not stop at all green lights in order to avoid collisions with those people who run red lights?  It would not be reasonable to do so.  Green means go not stop.  If we stopped at green lights, more accidents would follow.  Also, it would be very disruptive.  Consequently, we deem it would be irresponsible and unreasonable to stop at green lights.  To be reasonable means that “it makes good sense.”
Second, what does the phrase, “beyond reasonable doubt” mean?  No prosecutor could prove his case 100%.  But, he could present sufficient evidence to convince an individual juror “beyond a reasonable doubt.”  Consider this scenario.  A person enters a bank and robs it at gun point.  Later, the following evidence is presented to convict him or her.  There is an clear image of the suspect on a video camera.  A witness places the suspect at the scene at the same time as the crime.  A gun with the suspect’s finger prints on it is presented as material evidence.  But, another witness fails to recall the color of his shirt and mistakes his red shirt for some other color.  Would there be enough evidence to convict the suspect “beyond a reasonable doubt?”
Third, which is more convincing, description or recognition?  If you were asked to describe the president of the United States at the present time you could give a description like this:  he is a male, middle aged, tall, thin, moderately brown skin, with graying hair.  But, how many other men in America would fit that same description?  Yet, if he walked through the door of your house, you would be able to recognize him immediately.  Recognition is stronger than description.
Let’s apply what we have learned.  In order to have faith in Jesus Christ, we must consider the evidence that He is the Messiah and the Son of God.  John writes his Gospel with this purpose in mind (John 20:30-31).
First, could we prove “beyond a reasonable doubt” that Jesus is the Messiah and the Son of God?  The evidence given in the gospels is sufficient for such proof.  We have: (1) Prophecy and its fulfillment.  For instance, Isaiah prophesied specifically what the Messiah would accomplish in Isa. 61:1-2.  This prophecy was applied by Jesus to himself in Luke 4:16-21.  Then, Jesus accomplished the specific factors that were prophesied.  The prophecy is confirmed by historical reality.  (2) Miracles.  Jesus performed a wide range of miracles including raising the dead (John 11).  The miracles were not denied even by Jesus’ enemies.  They may have attempted to attribute His power to the devil (Matt. 12) but, Jesus was able to refute this attack on His person.  (3) the Scriptures.  Many times the Gospel writers indicate that something that Jesus did or that was happening to Him was the fulfillment of the Scriptures.  The Scriptures have their own authority and their veracity is supported by their correspondence to historical details.  Truth is that which conforms to reality.  (4) Eyewitnesses.  Eyewitnesses, those who recognized Jesus, give testimony that they saw, heard and experienced life with the Lord before and after His death on the cross.  The post-resurrection appearances of Jesus to many people, including His disciples, is strong evidence of His resurrection from the dead. Of special mention in this class is the prophet Moses.  Moses’ credibility as a witness is unimpeachable.   (5) Jesus Himself.  Jesus bears witness to His identity and His mission.  What Jesus says perfectly agrees with what He did.  There are no discrepancies.  His own testimony is believable.  (6)  God.  At least three times during Jesus earthly ministry, a voice out of heaven speaks and declares Him to be the Son of God (Jesus’ baptism, Luke 3:21-22; Jesus’ Transfiguration, Luke 9:34-35; Before Jesus’ Death, John 12:28-32).
Second, unbelief is irrational and unreasonable.  Truth is that which conforms to reality as God defines reality.  To deny reality is to deny truth.  To deny reality is irrational and unreasonable.  Those who deny that Jesus Christ is the Son of God are irrational.  There is sufficient evidence to prove “beyond a reasonable doubt” that Jesus Christ is the Savior of the World and the Son of God.

Duped, Deceived, Damned

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Yahoo News reported recently that a 53-year-old  North Carolina man, Michael Fuller, tried to buy a vacum cleaner, a microwave oven and other items at a Walmart store with a million-dollar bill.  He insisted that the note was real when he was purchasing $476 worth of items.  Fuller was arrested and charged with attempting to obtain property by false pretense and uttering a forged instrument.  He is in jail on a $17,500 bond.

Note several things about this story.  First, Fuller insisted that his milliion dollar bill was legit.  He was duped.  Second, he attempted to deceive others by using it and insisting it was authentic.  Third, A standard of currency proves him wrong.  The largest bill in circulation is $100.  The government stopped making $10,000 notes in 1969.  An authentic million dollar bill has never been produced by the United States Mint.  Fourth, Fuller was arrested and is now having to face the penalty for his crime.

In II Peter 2:1, the Word of God declares, “But there were false prophets also amng the people, even as there shall be false teachers among you, who privily shall bring in damnable heresies, even denying the Lord that bought them, and bring upon themselves swift destruction.”  In the world of religion we must beware of false prophets.  First, these men are duped themselves.  They are cunning and bold.  They deny the Lord that bought them.  Do you know anyone who denies the deity of Jesus Christ?  Second, these men attempt to deceive others.  They teach damnable heresies.  They teach the opposite of truth.    Third, the standard of truth falsifies what they teach.  There is a standard to which we can compare any doctrine.  The Word of God is truth (John 17:17).  The test of truth is available to anyone willing to read and understand the Bible for themselves.  Fourth, these teachers and those they deceive will be damned.  The language is strong but effective.  To be damned is to be eternally separated from God.

If someone asked you for change for a million dollar bill, what would your reaction be?  What about someone who insists that Jesus is not God’s Son?  If we deny Jesus Christ, one day He will deny us (Matt. 10:33).

The ‘Real’ Jesus

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     Scot McKnight recently wrote an article that appeared in Christianity Today, April, 2010 that focused on studies of the historical Jesus.  At the beginning of the article, The ‘Real’ Jesus, he related a story about the first day of his class on Jesus of Nazareth.  Usually, he gives a standardized psychological test divided into two parts.  He says, “The results are nothing short of astounding.” 
     I’ll let him describe what happens.  “The first part is about Jesus.  It asks students to imagine Jesus’ personality, with questions such as, “Does he prefer to go his own way rather than act by the rules?” and “Is he a worrier?”  The second part asks the same questions of the students, but instead of “Is he a worrier?” it asks, “Are you a worrier?”  The test is not about right or wrong answers, nor is it designed to help students understand Jesus.  Instead, if given to enough people, the test will reveal that we all think Jesus is like us.  Introverts think Jesus is introverted, for example, and, on the basis of the same questions, extroverts think Jesus is extroverted” (p. 23).
     McKnight reveals that we tend to make Jesus into our own image rather than transforming our lives by becoming like Him.  We would rather change Jesus than change ourselves to conform to His image!  Yet, discipleship is all about being like Jesus.  Here are a few passages of Scripture to think about.  Matthew 16:24-25, “Then said Jesus unto his disciples, If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow me. For whosoever will save his life shall lose it:  and whosoever will lose his life for my sake shall find it.”  When we lose our will to the will of God we can become one with Him.  I Peter 1:21-23, “For even hereunto were ye called: because Christ also suffered for us, leaving us an example, that ye should follow his steps: Who did no sin, neither was guile found in his mouth: Who, when he was reviled, reviled not again; when he suffered, he threatened not; but committed himself to him that judgeth righteously.”
     The real Jesus is revealed in the Scriptures.  Could a more beautiful depiction of Jesus be given than that found in Isaiah 53 in the prophecy of the Suffering Servant?  Could a more detailed understanding of Jesus be gained by studying anything other than the Gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John?  These sacred records depict Jesus as the Messiah, the Son of the living God.  He is our savior and Lord.  Why not spend some time reading these sacred accounts of the life of Jesus and enhance your own understanding of who Jesus really is?  Perhaps if you discover the real Jesus, you will also discover the true path for your own life.

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