Nonsense (or) Malarkey

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One of the most important things parents can do for their children is teach them the law of rationality.  This law states that we should draw only such conclusions as are warranted by the evidence.  The law of rationality forces us to think correctly and critically.
Some evolutionists insist that the universe actually comes from nothing!  That’s right.  Everything comes from nothing.  Lawrence Krauss, a theoretical physicist, has released a new book titled, A Universe From Nothing (Free Press) in which he claims to have proven that the laws of physics could have created the universe from nothing.  Krauss  repeats the theory that there are virtual particles that appear for a very short time and then disappear in what is called “a quantum fluctuation” by a very short time; we are talking a billionth of a second or less.  Nonetheless, space and time would have to already exist–to have been created.  Krauss makes many assumptions and so advances speculation–not science (see Does God Exist? Nov./Dec. 2012, p. 27).
Most could refute such a notion based upon common sense.  Nothing cannot produce anything.  Nothing comes from nothing!  Consider the following poem:
Once nothing arrived on this earth out of space;
It rode in on nothing; it came from no place;
It landed on nothing–the earth was not here–
It worked hard on nothing for year after year;
It sweat over nothing with mighty resolve–
But just about then things began to evolve:
The heavens appeared, and the sea and the sod;
This Almighty Nothing worked much like a god.
It started unwinding without any plan,
It made every creature and ended with man.
No god here was needed–there was no creation;
Man grew like a mushroom and needs no salvation.
Some savants say this should be called evolution
And that ignorance only rejects that solution.
(anonymous, but from Genesis, vol. I by C.C. Crawford, College Press, p. 134).
It is irrational to affirm that everything comes from nothing!  This poem pokes a little fun at the intellectual gaffes of evolutionists.

Spiritual Struggles

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     According to a recent English Church Census, regular churchgoers (of all denominations) amount to 6.3% of the total population.  The proportion of churches per individuals is now one church to 1,340 people.  The size of the average Sunday congregation is 84.  Between 1998 and 2005, there was an overall decline in regular church attendance of 15% –and the trend continues.  Only 2.5 percent of the population is attending Bible-based churches (Already Gone, Ken Ham and Britt Beemer, pp. 10-12).
     Christianity is on the decline in England.  Could the same thing be happening in the United States?  Ham and Beemer warn: “We are one generation away from the evaporation of church as we know it.” (p. 25).  George Barna indicates that a majority of twenty-somethings–61% of today’s young adults–had been churched at one point during their teen years, but they are now spiritually disengaged (i.e. not actively attending church, reading the Bible, or praying) (Already Gone, p. 19).  The top ten reasons for “dropouts” are as follows:
     -12% Boring Service
     -12% Legalism
     -11% Hypocrisy of leaders
     -10% Too political
     -9% Self-righteous people
     -7% Distance from home
     -6% Not relevant to personal growth
     -6% God would not condemn to hell
     -5% Bible not relevant/not practical
     -5% Couldn’t find my preferred denomination in area
     (Already Gone, p. 29)
     Most people assume that students are lost in college where they meet with ideas that challenge their faith.  But it turns out that only 11 percent of those who have left the church did so during the college years.  Almost 90 percent of them were lost in middle school and high school (Already Gone, p. 31).  About 40 percent of them were lost in middle school and elementary school. 
     The major challenge seems to be to the truthfulness and believability of the Bible.  Secular humanism (denial of the existence of God and affirmation of the theory of organic evolution) have taken their tole.
     -39.8% first had doubts about the accounts and stories of the Bible in middle school.
     -43.7% had their first doubts in high school.
     -10.6% had their first doubts during college. (Already Gone, p. 32).
     Young people are being influenced to accept the theory of evolution and reject the Bible account of creation.  When you add to this the disintegration of moral values and the destruction of the home, you have a combination that is challenging the basic values and principles of Christianity.  I might add that postmodernism, with its rejection of absolute truth and affirmation of acceptance of all religions as equal, has also destroyed faith in the objective truth of God’s Word and eroded faith in the Bible and New Testament Christianity.
     To counter this decline, we must reaffirm the basic principles of Christianity and do a better job of showing the evidence for the truthfulness of Christianity.  Christianity is rooted in historical and verifiable evidences that cannot be overthrown.  I personally invite you to investigate the evidence for Christianity.  Many have done so in the past and have accepted the truth that salvation from sin is available to all people based upon the merits of the death of Jesus Christ and Him alone!

Evolution–A Hard Sell

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      A new poll released just in time for Charles Darwin’s 200th birthday found that only 39 percent of Americans say they “believe in the theory of evolution,” and just 24 percent of those who attend church weekly believe in that explanation for the development of life on Earth (Gallup poll of 1,018 American adults, Feb. 12, 2009, Fox News,
     Thomas K. Grose in an article dated Feb. 12, 2009 ( titled, “British Celebrate Charles Darwin but are Still Skeptical of Evolution” states, “Proud though Britian may be for having produced such a famous, pre-eminent, albeit controversial scientist, Darwin’s theory of evolution is a hard sell here–even though the United Kingdom is a rather secular society where church attendance has fallen to negligible numbers. A January ComRes poll taken for the religious think tank Theos found that 51 percent of Britons say that evolution alone can’t explain complex life, and 32 percent believe that life on Earth began within the past 10,000 years–a basic tenet of Creationism.”
     Why is it that, since 1859 when Darwin published On the Origin of the Species, the theory of evolution hasn’t been more persuasive?  The answer is that Darwinism is easily defeated on the basis of five important facts.
     First, the theory of evolution fails as an explanation for the origin of all things. The problem facing evolutionists is this: what existed to bring all things into existence?  Did everything come from nothing? (That would be logically absurd).  Or, did everything come from something?  In which case, that something would be eternal.  If not God (pure Spirit), then matter.  Science cannot prove that matter is eternal.  Instead science teaches us that the universe is running down (the Second Law of Thermodynamics) . Hence, evolutionists cannot prove their case.  The Bible affirms that God (eternal Spirit) created all things (Gen. 1:1; John 1:1-3; Col. 1:16).
     Second, the theory of evolution fails to explain the origin of life.  Evolutionists declare that all living things came from non-living things in contradiction to the law of biogenesis. The chances of this happening are astronomical.  Also, science has failed to duplicate spontaneous generation of life.  The Bible teaches that all liviing things come from a living God (Gen. 2:7). 
     Third, the theory of evolution cannot adequately explain the diversity and design of the universe. Evolutionists believe that mutations and natural selection, merely by chance, produced all of the diversity and design that we experience in the universe.  Most mutations are destructive to an organism not productive.  A living organism may adapt to its environment, but it will never change into another species of living creature.  Science proves limits to change whereas evolution theory affirms unlimited change that is design specific.  The Bible teaches that each living organism reproduces after its kind (Gen. 1:11; 1:24-25; Gen. 1:28).
     Fourth, the theory of evolution fails to explain the absence of transitional forms in the fossil record.  Geologists have not found the fossil evidence proving evolution.  Darwin, in his book, On the Origin of the Species, stated, “so must the number of intermediate varieties, which have formerly existed, be truly enormous” (1860, p. 234). He went on to admit, “Geology assuredly does not reveal any such finely graduated organic chain; and this, perhaps, is the most obvious and serious objection which can be argued against this theory.  The explanation lies, I believe, in the extreme imperfection of the geological record” (Darwin, p. 234).  The geological record proving evolution has not improved since Darwin.  Jerry Adler, in a November 3, 1980 Newsweek article stated, “Evidence from fossils now points overwhelmingly away from the classical Darwinism which most Americans learned in high school: that new species evolve out of existing ones by the gradual accumulation of small changes, each of which helps the organism survive and compete in the environment” (Reason and Revelation, Feb. 2009, p. 12-13–Kyle Butt and Eric Lyons, Darwin in  Light of 150 Years of Error).  The Bible teaches that like begets like and, so, no transitional forms in the fossil record (Gen. 1-2).
    Fifth, the theory of evolution fails to explain that there is no God!  If the theory of evolution is true, then there is no God!  Atheists are people who believe that they know that God does not exist.  However, in order to believe this, they must be omniscient.  They must know everything there is to know, because if there is one thing that they do not know–that one thing may be God!  No man is omniscient.  Therefore, no man living today or who has ever lived could prove that God does not exist.  Recent advertisements in Europe say, “God probably does not exist, so don’t worry, go ahead and enjoy your life.”  Why would the ads say “probably” He does not exist?  This is an admission of fallibility and ignorance.  The Bible declares that God is (Gen. 1:1). 
     The theory of evolution fails to meet the demands of proof, science, and the Bible.  “Prove all things, hold fast to that which is good” (I Thess. 5:21).  I’m not surprised that the theory of evolution is a hard sell among Americans and Britons.  Some people are still wise enough to reject that which is utterly false.

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