Good Without God?
April 14, 2023 11:30 am God, Goodness, moralsGreg Epstein wrote a book titled, Good Without God in which he makes the bold claim that Humanism can produce moral goodness without God. Epstein is the Humanist chaplain at Harvard. He attempts to provide a worldview for nonbelievers that provides a basis for morality. The premise of the book is: Humanism can deliver morality without God. Can we be good without God? The question is not: Can we be good without belief in God? An atheist, for example, may be able to do some morally good things (as a matter of choice), but doing some good things does not make one good by definition. No one is sinless (Rom. 3:23). Consequently, all need a savior (John 3:16). Jesus is the savior of the world (John 4:42; I John 4:14). We cannot be good without God when we understand goodness/righteousness to be the result of redemption through Jesus Christ.
Can We Be Good Without God?
This is a question that focuses on the nature of moral values. Are moral values/laws we hold dear the result of social convention? Are they the result of personal preference (relativism)? Or, are they valid and binding independent of our opinions being grounded in the nature of God and His laws?
Consequences of Naturalism
Naturalism is the view that moral values are the by-product of biological evolution and social conditioning. This means that all moral values are self-determined and relative. Under this view, the Holocaust could be justified on the basis of a form of eugenics that was advantageous to German Nazis. If there is no God, anything and everything is permissible! If a lion kills a zebra in order to have food to eat, does the lion kill (murder) the zebra? Does it have to stand trial for killing the zebra? If a great white shark forcibly copulates with a female shark does it rape it? Do we hold it accountable for rape? We make a distinction between the conduct in the animal world and human beings. Human beings are not animals. Human beings are held to a higher moral standard than animals. Naturalism fails to make this distinction and treats human beings as if they were animals. We recognize the truth that for human beings objective moral values and duties exist.
Consequences of Theism
Theism affirms that God is (Gen. 1:1 and Heb. 11:6). God is good (Mark 10:18). God is the only morally perfect Being (The Triune God) who is intrinsically good. God is holy (I Pet. 1:13,14). God is love (I John 4:8, 16). God is righteous (Ps. 11:7). “For the righteous LORD loveth righteousness; his countenance doth behold the upright.” Moral laws come from God. The nature of God defines the nature of moral values/laws. Moral duties exist because God has expressed His Will to human beings from the very beginning of the creation of mankind (Gen. 1 and 2). There never has been a time, since human beings were created by God, that they did not have moral guidance from God. When people give up their knowledge of God and rebel against God, they become morally reprobate. Sin by definition is a transgression of God’s Will (I John 3:4). People are not morally good when they violate God’s law and sin against Him. The basic proposition of theism is: If God does not exist, then objective moral values and duties do not exist. Objective moral values do exist (murder, rape). Therefore, God exists.
The Euthyphro Dilemma Resolved
This dilemma was named after a character in one of Plato’ Dialogues. The dilemma can be stated thus: Is something good because God wills it? Or, does God will something because it is good? The solution to this dilemma is: God wills something because He is good! God, Himself, is the moral standard that determines good and evil. God’s commands reflect His moral character, His holiness. (see William Lane Craig, On Guard, pp. 120-121).
Sin Is Intrinsic Evil
Sin is defined by God in His Word (I John 3:4; 5:17). All unrighteousness is sin. Since all people sin against God, all accountable people must be saved from sin and its consequences (Rom. 3:23). No one is good without God! Through His love, mercy, and grace we can be saved from sin and justified before God. We are made perfect through the redemption that God has provided in and through His Son-Jesus Christ. “But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners Christ died for us. Much more then, being now justified by his blood, we shall be saved from wrath through him” (Rom. 5:8-9). No one is good without being saved by the blood of Jesus Christ. You cannot be good without God! “He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved; but he that believeth not shall be damned” (Mark 16:16).