Warren Christian Apologetics Center Continues to Push Error

2:20 pm age of the earth, creation

The Warren Christian Apologetics Center under the directorship of Charles Pugh III continues to promote and publish religious error.  I have published a review of Mac Deaver’s article, “Could God Create (ex nihilo) on the First Day?”  that appeared in Sufficient Evidence, Fall of 2020.  Sufficient Evidence is a publication of the Warren Christian Apologetics Center.  The basic affirmation of Mac Deaver is that it is not possible for anyone to know the age of the earth and so it is not a matter of faith or doctrine which could be a test of fellowship.  This position opens the door to cosmological evolution and geological evolution. This concept must be put to the test of truth.  Deaver argues that the creation of the heaven and the earth (Gen. 1:1) does not occur during the six days referenced by Moses in Exodus 20:11.  This brings up the question, “What is the relationship between Gen. 1:1 and Exodus 20:11?”   This is the question that I address in my reply to Deaver’s article.  You will find my reply under the page Biblical Articles.

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