What Doest Thou Here, Elijah?
June 11, 2021 encouragement, God No CommentsGod’s questions probe the human heart. Of course, God already knows the answers. However, God leads us to discover the truth about ourselves. Every person needs to take stock of their present circumstances. Look back. Look around. Look forward. Are you in the best place that you could possibly be right now? Where are you in your relationship with God? Where are you in relationship to your faith? Where are you in relationship to the truth? Where are you in relationship to the mission/purpose God has given to you? Now is a time for reflection, renewal, and re-commissioning.
God’s Servant
It is time for Elijah to reflect and reassess. Elijah had just defeated the false prophets of Baal on Mt. Carmel (I Kings 18). After the great victory, he flees before Jezebel who threatens to kill him (I Kings 19:1-2). He goes too Beersheba. Here, he leaves his servant (19:3). He goes a days journey and sits down under a juniper tree. He requests for himself that he might die. Elijah is isolated. He is fearful. He is in despair. He feels alone. It was time for him to slow down and stop. It is almost impossible to reflect thoughtfully on our lives when we are constantly at full speed. Stop and reflect. Recognize destructive patterns of thought and behavior. Identify a good direction. Make clear and correct choices. Be ready to listen to God. Stop looking for something BIG to happen and look for small things like the still, small voice of God.
God Intervens
God sends an angel to minister to Elijah. He is not alone. The angel prepares food and gives him water to drink. The physical body needs attention and care. When we are physically depleted, it complicates our negative thoughts and feelings about ourselves. God sends an angel to minister to Elijah a second time. He is not alone. The body and soul must be treated as a whole. We must draw closer to God. We must make the effort to close the gap between ourselves and God. Soul care is just as important as the physical care of the body. Do loving things. Be constructive not destructive. Do no harm. Be more creative. Walk closer to God. Elijah was in the wrong place. God intervened and asked him, “what doest thou here, Elijah? (v. 9 and v. 13). Elijah needed to move closer to God.
God Speaks
God confronts Elijah. God had already demonstrated His presence and His power (I Kings 18). God was with Elijah. But, was Elijah with God? God asks Elijah what he was doing in the wilderness. Elijah replied that he was jealous for God. Was he the only one? God reveals to the prophet that He has seven thousand that had not bowed the knee to Baal. Elijah knows the sins of the people. He is aware of the threat of Jezebel. His perspective is negative and he feels alone. God allows Elijah to experience: strong winds, an earthquake, and fire. Then, He speaks in a still small voice. He asks Elijah the second time what he was doing there. The prophet is forced to take stock of his present situation in light of the past and the future. God directs Elijah to anoint the king of Syria, the next king of Israel, and appoint Elisha as his successor. Now, all of these individuals will fight to accomplish God’s purposes. Elijah is not alone. There is the angel, the seven thousand, the kings and the prophets, and God Himself! God gives Elijah a new mission. Elijah cannot continue to stay in the wilderness and accomplish God’s purposes. God was not done with Elijah.
God’s Servant Responds
Elijah listens to God. He undertakes a new mission. He finds a meaningful purpose in living for God. His life will end, but not in a cave in the wilderness. Instead, it will end in glory by being taken to heaven in a chariot of fire!
Grasp God’s Perspective
God’s perspective is much more powerful and positive than ours. We need self-care, soul-care, self-awareness, and mission for God. We must correct hopelessness, loneliness, and isolation by listening to the still, small voice of God that leads us to be more than conquerors. God’s voice is found in His Word. He will guide us in the paths of righteousness. What doest thou here, Elijah? Go forth in the strength of the LORD!