Friendship and the Covenant of Mercy
June 17, 2019 faith, grace, mercy No CommentsThe friendship of David and Jonathan is one of the purest in the entire Bible. Friendship is a relationship of mutual affection. Friendship is a stronger form of interpersonal bond than either acquaintance or co-worker. Jeremy Taylor defines friendship in the following manner, “By friendship you mean the greatest love, the greatest usefulness, the most open communication, the noblest sufferings, the severest truth, the heartiest counsel, and the greatest union of minds of which brave men and women are capable.”
The Relationship Between David and Jonathan
In I Samuel 13:3; and 14:1-14, there is a depiction of the heroism of Jonathan and his armor bearer. Together, they destroyed a Philistine garrison of twenty men. Before Jonathan approaches the Philistines, he establishes a sign that would indicate that God would deliver the enemy into their hands. When the sign was confirmed, Jonathan and his armor bearer fought and won the battle. David demonstrates his fearless fighting ability by fighting the giant Goliath and killing him (I Samuel 17). David and Jonathan were both fearless warriors. Both men loved each other as friends. Both men respected each other and trusted each other. Both men had a strong faith in God. This spiritual bond played a significant role in their relationship.
The Covenant of Mercy
In I Samuel 20:8 and 14-17, David and Jonathan express a covenant of mercy between them. David sought the preservation of his life from Saul, Jonathan’s father. Jonathan sought David’s goodwill toward himself and his descendants. Jonathan remained loyal to David even as David rose in prominence. Jonathan should rightly have become king. But Jonathan accepts God’s choice of David to be the next king in Israel. Consequently, he does not envy David nor become a rival to him as Saul had done. Jonathan seeks to preserve David’s life and so preserve David’s place in Israel’s history. Giving place to David is an act of lovingkindness or hesed on Jonathan’s part. David and Jonathan have internalized God’s mercy in their own lives. Both had been the recipients of God’s mercy and now they have internalized it in their own relationship with each other. Hesed has been defined as, “when the person from whom I have no right to expect anything, gives me everything” (Michael Card). Hesed is grace, mercy, lovingkindness. When this principle functions in a relationship and is motivated by love, it unleashes a powerful bond that will last a lifetime and beyond. This is the key to lifetime friendship.
The Covenant of Mercy and Reciprocity
Once a covenant of mercy is established between two people on the basis of love, there is mutuality. The one who is initially shown hesed naturally demonstrates hesed in return. This is not a legal expectation. It is based upon love which acts freely. Reciprocity is an indication that both parties in a friendship have internalized the truth of hesed. Hesed is relational. Its power in a relationship is increased when it is reciprocated. It becomes the principle upon which the friendship functions. If hesed is not returned by you in gratitude, you have not understood the nature of hesed shown to you in the first place. The failure to reciprocate hesed disappoints the person who has shown hesed. When mutual reciprocity of hesed is active in a relationship, the relationship endures all the ups and downs and good times and bad times presented by external circumstances. Even after Jonathan died in battle at the same time as his father, Saul, David continued to show mercy to his descendants. This demonstrates the power of the covenant of mercy between David and Jonathan (see Michael Card, Inexpressible: Hesed and the Mystery of God’s Lovingkindness).
Hesed and You
When hesed is experienced in our relationship with God, we taste of the heavenly gifts of mercy and grace (Heb. 6:4). We have no right to expect anything from God, but He gives us everything! Motivated by love, God gives us every spiritual blessing through His Son, Jesus Christ (Eph. 1:3). We become heirs of God and joint-heirs with Christ (Rom. 8:16-17). We receive the forgiveness of our sins when we obey the gospel (Acts 2:38, Rom. 6:4 and 17). We become the children of God (Gal. 3:26-27). Truly, God is rich in grace and mercy toward us (Eph. 1:7, 2:4). When we internalize God’s mercy and imitate Him in manifesting hesed, we display the divine nature in our relationships with others. We unleash the power of love and mercy in all of our relationships and we have the potential to form bonds that will last a lifetime and beyond!