
2:03 pm modesty, seduction

Does a Christian have a dress code?  Nearly every establishment like a restaurant, jail or prison, school, community, even the zoo has a dress code for people.  While the Bible does not have a specific dress code for the physical body, it does have a dress code for the soul.  The adornment of the soul with godliness will influence and guide the dress code for the body (I Tim. 2:9-12).
One Definition of Modesty
Modesty is an inner attitude of the heart motivated by a love for God that seeks to glorify God through purity and godliness.  There are several important elements of this definition.  First, love for God must be greater than love for self or the desire to please others.  We need to show the world how great God is rather than how great we are!  Second, purity of heart must characterize the Christian.  “The pure in heart shall see God” –Matt. 5:8.  Christians should strive to keep themselves unspotted from the world (James 1:27).  Purity of heart means to be free from any admixture of evil.
Two Extremes to Be Avoided
The first extreme is extravagance.  Pretentiousness and showiness are to be avoided.  I Tim. 2:9-12.  Paul mentions braided (braided) hair, gold, pearls, and costly array.  James warns that this type of display could lead to respect of persons (James 2:3).
The second extreme is ungodliness.  Three words help to describe ungodly dress:  sensual, seductive, and sexual.  Dress that is provocative with regard to these three words would not reflect purity and godliness and therefore, would eliminate physical adornment of the body in this fashion.
Three Qualities of Heart That Produce Modesty
The first quality mentioned by Paul in I Tim. 2:9-12 is shamefacedness.  This quality denotes a sense of shame that draws back from sinful display or conduct.  When Adam and Eve knew that they were naked, they clothed themselves.  Later, God clothed them.  The parts of the body that have to do with sexual expression should be covered up.
The next quality mentioned by Paul is sobriety.  The word sobriety has to do with being sober-minded and self-controlled.  With full control of our mental faculties, we bring our bodies under the control of God’s Word.  This is spiritual discipline that counters impulsiveness. This reflects love for God and knowledge of His Will.
The third quality is godliness.  Godliness is right conduct in the sight of God.  When choosing what to wear outwardly, let God be the judge.  When we live in the fear of the Lord, we will not challenge God’s authority.  We will choose clothing that is God-pleasing rather than fad or trend oriented.
Modesty provides us with an opportunity for self-examination.  Look at your wardrobe and then look at your heart.  What does your wardrobe say about your heart?

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