The Clash Between Science and Religion
August 1, 2016 2:55 pm age of the earth, creation, evolutionI recently visited the Ark Encounter exhibit in Williamstown, KY. The exhibit is not quite finished at this time (July, 2016), but it is completed to the point that a visitor can enjoy the conceptualizations and renderings based upon the Biblical account of Noah’s ark and the universal flood of Genesis 6-9. The exhibit is massive in size and requires a lot of walking to see. Ken Ham is director of Answers in Genesis and is responsible for the construction of the ark exhibit. He is a young earth creationist. Opposition to the Ark Encounter exhibit has already surfaced. Barbara King wrote an article attacking the basic concept of the exhibit as anti-science because it is anti-evolution. The most important clash between science so-called and the Bible is focused on chronology. The Biblical chronology beginning with Genesis 1 :1 and continuing to today allows for around 6,000 years of human history. Evolutionists argue for a much longer period of time. Evolutionists hold that the universe is around 14 billion years old. The earth is about 4 to 5 billion years old. They also teach that human lineage evolved 6 million years ago and our own species about 200,000 years ago. King objected to the display of humans and dinosaurs on the ark (There’s No Controversy: Let’s Stop Failing Our Children on Evolution, July, 28, 2016). She claims that dinosaurs went extinct 65 million years ago and that humans have only been on the earth for about 200,000 years. The difference between the chronology of the Biblical account of the creation of man and the chronology of evolution cannot be reconciled without destroying the veracity of the Biblical account. Keep in mind that most of Bible chronology is given within the context of the history of the men and women who were involved in bringing the Messiah into the world. If you destroy the chronology that is imbedded in the genealogy accounts of Christ, you destroy faith in the accounts themselves and they under gird our faith in Jesus of Nazareth as the one who is the Messiah (both creator and redeemer of mankind). Those who want to hold to the Bible and evolutionary chronology must compromise. These individuals are known as theistic evolutionists. Theistic evolutionists generally believe that the Biblical accounts of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden and the flood of Noah’s day are myths. They deny the historical and literal aspects of these accounts. But, when they do so, they also impact the genealogies of our Lord Jesus Christ. Why do they do this? They desire to harmonize, in some way, what the Bible says with evolutionary chronology. By making these accounts myths, they actually agree with the evolutionist who holds that Noah’s ark is fiction. King quotes from the Patheos blog with which she agrees, “…and there wasn’t even a mention of how the whole Noah’s Ark story is fiction.”
King’s article focused on an NBC Nightly News broadcast by Kevin Tibbles from the site of the Ark Encounter in which Tibbles failed to affirm evolution. King interpreted this as a failure to teach our children science (evolution). She said, “The NBC segment was a prime example of a missed opportunity in mass-media science literacy education–education that’s sorely needed.”
This expressed opinion is precisely the reason there is a clash between the Bible and science (macro-evolution).
The chronology of the Bible cannot be reconciled with the chronology of evolution.