Nonsense (or) Malarkey

3:44 pm creation, evolution

One of the most important things parents can do for their children is teach them the law of rationality.  This law states that we should draw only such conclusions as are warranted by the evidence.  The law of rationality forces us to think correctly and critically.
Some evolutionists insist that the universe actually comes from nothing!  That’s right.  Everything comes from nothing.  Lawrence Krauss, a theoretical physicist, has released a new book titled, A Universe From Nothing (Free Press) in which he claims to have proven that the laws of physics could have created the universe from nothing.  Krauss  repeats the theory that there are virtual particles that appear for a very short time and then disappear in what is called “a quantum fluctuation” by a very short time; we are talking a billionth of a second or less.  Nonetheless, space and time would have to already exist–to have been created.  Krauss makes many assumptions and so advances speculation–not science (see Does God Exist? Nov./Dec. 2012, p. 27).
Most could refute such a notion based upon common sense.  Nothing cannot produce anything.  Nothing comes from nothing!  Consider the following poem:
Once nothing arrived on this earth out of space;
It rode in on nothing; it came from no place;
It landed on nothing–the earth was not here–
It worked hard on nothing for year after year;
It sweat over nothing with mighty resolve–
But just about then things began to evolve:
The heavens appeared, and the sea and the sod;
This Almighty Nothing worked much like a god.
It started unwinding without any plan,
It made every creature and ended with man.
No god here was needed–there was no creation;
Man grew like a mushroom and needs no salvation.
Some savants say this should be called evolution
And that ignorance only rejects that solution.
(anonymous, but from Genesis, vol. I by C.C. Crawford, College Press, p. 134).
It is irrational to affirm that everything comes from nothing!  This poem pokes a little fun at the intellectual gaffes of evolutionists.

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