What Shall I Render Unto The Lord?

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Psalm 116 contains the central thought of love, adoration, and thanksgiving to God for His acts of redemption. The thoughts are personal.  God is magnified for His graciousness.  He has manifested mercy, deliverance from enemies and protection.  The Psalmist asks, “What shall I render unto the Lord for all His benefits toward me?

We want to focus on the response of the human heart that knows the grace of God. What can be done to manifest our gratitude?

Take the Cup of Blessing
We must first drink of the fullness of God’s goodness.  We must take it all in and experience His saving power.  Partake with joyful hearts.  Thanksgiving from the heart flows from participation in the stream of the grace of God.

Call Upon The Name of the Lord
In the Old Testament, the phrase, “to call upon the name of the Lord” was used frequently for worshipping God.  Worship directed to God is a manifestation of thanksgiving. Worship is homage paid to deity.  It is reverence, awe, love and devotion toward God.  It involves acts, sanctioned by God, that are directed to Him. Prayers are thank you notes to God. Praise glorifies His name.  In the midst of the assembly of the saints, God’s Word is declared and honored.  His works are remembered.  Worship attempts to give God what is rightly due Him.

I Am Thy Servant
God’s goodness toward us produces a desire to give something back.  Many today have become lovers of self.  This results in being self-centered, and self-absorbed.  Freedom from sin is the result of God’s saving acts (redemptive acts).  Such freedom results in our sonship.  Sonship without service is a manifestation of ingratitude. When we become lovers of God, we become selfless.  Service to God is the result of selflessness.  This is the key to sacrificial love.

Sacrifice of Thanksgiving
The Psalmist declares, “My inmost soul shall adore Thee.”  How?  He will do it with lips of prayer and praise.  He will surrender his heart in character and conduct that is befitting a servant of the Most High God.  He renders a thankful heart.  This is a heart that is humble, full of love and totally devoted to God’s Will.

A Challenge
Use holy ingenuity to search out various ways by which you may render fresh praises to our God!  Begin with the thoughts expressed in this Psalm.  Render to God the genuine praise His majesty and glory deserves.