The Praise of Folly
September 28, 2010 9:12 am deception, Zionism The Praise of Folly is a book written by David Lutzweiler. Lutzweiler reviews the life and work of Cyrus Ingerson Scofield. Lutzweiler was once a believer in the dispensational, premillennial, Zionist theological view, but has now rejected it. He thoroughly investigates the life of Scofield and finds many problems with his character and conduct both before and after his conversion. He also explores the development and production of The Scofield Reference Bible which promotes the DPZ theological system. Lutzweiler gives his own analysis of the DPZ theory and exposes its errors. While you may not agree with everything in this book, you will be amazed by the shocking facts.
The title of the book is taken from a satire by Desiderius Erasmus (published in 1515). In that book, Erasmus has the character Folly give an oration whereby he praises self-deception. Lutzweiler applies the satire to evangelicals who are engaged in the praise of folly by endorsing Scofield and The Scofield Reference Bible. I have just completed a book review of Lutzweiler’s work and posted it on my blog under “Book Reviews.” Why not take a few minutes and read it. Then, you may want to purchase and read the book.