The Last Christian Generation

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Josh McDowell has written a book entitled, “The Last Christian Generation.”  McDowell reveals the thinking of many young people in America today on religious issues.  While many (65%) want a close relationship with God, they do not believe the same things about God and Christianity as previous generations.  For instance:
         -63% don’t believe Jesus is the Son of the one true God.
         -58% believe all faiths teach equally valid truths.
         -51% don’t believe Jesus rose from the dead.
         -65% don’t believe Satan is a real entity.
         -68% don’t believe the Holy Spirit is a real entity.  (McDowell, 14,15)
Many young people today do not hold to a Christian worldview that is grounded in Biblical truth.  A change has taken place with regard to the way truth is perceived.  A majority of young people (81%) have adopted a view that “all truth is relative to the individual and his/her circumstances” (McDowell, 45).  70% of our “churched” young people believe there is no absolute moral truth” (McDowell, 45).  Truth is defined as what “feels” right or what “works.” 
The New Testament church must reaffirm the objective truth of God’s Word (John 17:17; 8:32)  Truth is synonymous with God’s Word!  Truth makes us free from the servitude of sin.  Truth is both knowable and credible.  Let us work diligently to impart this truth to the next generation!